In 2018, a two-year Walmart Foundation grant was awarded to the RBA Foundation to help break the cycle of exploitation commonly experienced by foreign migrant workers recruited and employed to work in Malaysia. The program was aimed at transforming the market for responsible employment and recruitment practices through programmatic solutions such as a responsible recruitment maturity pathway for recruitment agencies and building the awareness of workplace managers and workers on forced labor. Learn more about the Responsible Workplace and Recruitment Programs supported by this grant on our RBA Foundation page. Both the Responsible Workplace and Recruitment Programs under this grant concluded in March 2021. Learn more about the outcome of these programs in this public report: Transforming Recruitment of Migrant Workers Practices in Malaysia.
In 2020, the Responsible Recruitment Program (RRP) expanded with another two-year grant by the Walmart Foundation to promote safe migration in Malaysia through the transformation of recruitment practices and standards in the supply chain. While the focus of the program is still within the Nepal-Malaysia and Indonesia-Malaysia migration corridors, several pilot activities, namely a suite of awareness-raising training for migrant workers at every stage of their migration journeys and an economic incentive model for responsible recruitment, will be implemented. Learn more about this here.